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RO Maple Production Demo! 

Click below to view the RO Maple Systems Manual 

Storing the RO Maple Membrane(s) during the Off-Season


At the end of each season, we recommend storing your membrane in a food grade storage solution, within an air-tight container to prevent bacteria growth, and to extend the life of your membrane. 

Food Grade Storage Solution & Membrane Storage Containers are available for purchase.



Check out our RO Maple Manual for more information on off-season storage.

Flushing the RO Maple System



Before shutting down for any extended period of time, we always suggest running pure water through your system to flush away any leftover sugar. 

The "waste water" from your RO Maple system is purified water! 

That means that your RO Maple "waste water" can be stored, and used for flushing and cleaning your entire system at the end of each season!

If you have questions, or would like to know more about RO Maple systems, please contact us!

Draining the RO Maple System for Storage


For the nights that temperatures drop to freezing or below, or for storage of the RO Maple system during the off season, and you need to drain your system quickly, We recommend the following:

  • Remove the Filter Sump

  • Disconnect the Tubes

  • Disconnect the Booster Pump

  • Disconnect the bottom of the RO Vessel

The process is explained further, and in more detail, in the RO Maple Manual, or contact us with any questions!

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